samedi 17 septembre 2016

10 Dangerous Brain – Damaging Habits To Stop Immediately

One of the largest organs in your body that plays an important role of your being is your brain. Your brain is the main controller for every function your organs do and every move your body make.

Your brain is also a data center in your life as well as the leader of your body. It stores all the information you need and responsible for everything you do.

Its delicate structure can be easily damaged and thus cause various serious health issues and complications.
According to the World Health Organization, these are the top 10 brain-damaging habits nowadays:

1.Skipping Breakfast

We constantly hear that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you surely know a lot of people who avoid it on a daily basis, including the ones who tend to reduce blood sugar levels.

However, after the night of no food, the avoidance of the breakfast will provide insufficient amounts of nutrients to the brain, and if repeated, it can lead to brain degeneration. 

2. Sleep Deprivation

The deprivation of sleep for a longer period of time accelerated the death of brain cells. Sleep provides proper rest and repairs the body from the stress during the day. Therefore, sleeping should always be among your priorities!

3.Consuming Too Much Sugar

The dangers of sugar may not be a new information for many people. Most of us might also already aware that sugar is hidden in almost everything we eat. If you can reduce your consumption of sugar to the lowest level possible, you will gain more health benefits that you could even thought. Not sure about this yet? Let’s see.. Actually consuming sugar in high amount can interfere the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and protein. If it happen, your body will suffer from malnutrition and your brain development will get disrupted. You may be starving but you don’t even know it!

4. Overeating

Overeating leads to weight gain, bloating, damages self-esteem, as well as reduced mental power and hardening of the arteries in the brain.

5. Smoke

Everyone must have known that there is a long list of adverse impact of smoking to our body. Still, smoking seems tempting to some people. Maybe if they know that smoking can cause multiple brain shrinkage, they will try not to touch those tobacco again. So do yourself a favor to minimize the risk of developing Alzheimer and other dementia-related disease by staying away from the smoking habit.

6. Head Covered While Sleeping

It may sound strange, but this habit reduces the intake of oxygen during the night, and while sleeping, one cannot feel the light-headedness or air deprivation. Additionally, there is an increased risk of inhaling excess carbon dioxide.

7. Air Pollution

As you cannot walk around with a face mask over during the entire day, you cannot help yourself with this issue much. The proper function of the brain requires extremely high oxygen amounts, so the constant inhalation of polluted air reduces the supply of oxygen, affecting the efficacy of the brain.

8. Working Your Brain During Illness

Living in a world where everyone lacks time and we constantly rush, numerous people would rather continue working than rest while sick.

However, sickness is the body’s sign that we need to slow down a bit, and that the brain desperately needs a break. Therefore, pushing through sickness may reduce the brain efficacy and cause damage.

9. Rarely Talking

Talking may sound like a very simple thing, but actually it helps your brain to grow and develop. You can strengthen your brain and increase its efficiency by taking part in an intellectual conversation regularly.

Your brain is truly amazing and your definitely have to take care of it very carefully. Stay away from all the above 10 brain – damaging habit to keep brain healthy and strong for your entire life.

10. Lack of Stimulating Thoughts

Thinking expands the brain and supports its function, so this potent tool significantly improves the brain and opens new pathways in the mind.

The neuroplasticity of the brain ensures that you will either enhance the mind, or the brain will shrink and your lack of interest and reduced efforts will decrease your skills and abilities.

Hence, the brain is a stunning tool, so you should learn how to develop it further, and it can do miracles for you!

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